AFB poised to help end human rights abuses in Balochistan in a big way this year

Uncle of the Baloch, Selig S. Harrison (left), Waja Ameeri and the author at the first Balochistan International Conference

Jiye Sindh. Time flies-- more than eight years ago the American Friends of Balochistan had the credit of organizing the first and most impressive conference in US history, November 21-22 in Washington DC.

I said Jiye Sindh because two Sindhi friends, Khalid Hashmani and Javed Soomro of the BBC, gave news coverage to the conference, which is being produced here.

Just last year a Brahmin in Washington DC area, Krishna Gudipati, helped get the organization registered and is still actively helping the cause. I am writing this so that after I am dead and gone the Baloch may remember their Hindu brothers stood shoulder to shoulder with them during their time of need.

This year marked a great beginning with key academic and passionate missionaries of peace and goodwill joining the organization. The AFB pledges that we shall not rest in peace until the Baloch people get their right to life and pursuit of happiness, until the sexual slavery of Baloch kids, women in Balochistan and sexual slavery of Hindu and Christian women ends in Pakistan. The organization is also poised to voice the rights of all women and the oppressed LGBT people in as the motto of the organization is "Human Rights are Indivisible." .  

Report by: Khalid Hashmani 
The “American Friends of Baluchistan” organized an International Conference On November 21, 2009 in Washington DC. According to organizers, the main purposes of the conference were to highlight issues in Eastern and Western Baluchistan that organizers and to pay tribute to Baluch leader Balaach Marri, who was slain two years ago. This all-day conference was very well attended with many standing in the back of the meeting room. The venue of the conference was National Press Club in downtown Washington, DC. 
The list of persons who addressed or presented papers was long and covered a variety of topics from history of Balochistan to happenings as recent as three days ago. 
The presenters included Selig Harrison (Asia Director at the Center for International Policy), Robert Selles,  AFB Aziz Baloch (British Columbia representative of Baloch Human Rights Council and former General Secr founding member, Aziz Baloch, now with the International voice for Baloch Missing Persons, Saghir Shaikh (a Sindhi Rights activist and former Chair of World Sindhi Congress), Wendy Johnson and Annie Nocenti (co-producers of well-known “The Baluch” documentary), Zafar Baloch (A Baloch Rights activist from Toronto, Canada),  T. Kumar(Advisory Director for International Issues for Amnesty International), Gul Agha (A Computer Scientist and a well-known speaker on Sindhi Rights), Musa Arjemandi (brother of Norwegian Ehhan Arjemandi, who recently disappeared in Pakistan), Humaira Rahman (A Sindhi Rights activist and the General Secretary of World Sindhi Institute) and others. The session moderator was Ahmer Mustikhan. More details about the presenters can be viewed at 

What Baluch say about their Situation?

Baluch say they had never wanted to be part of Pakistan. 

Baluch claim that they were duped by Mohammad Ali Jinnah, who is considered father of Pakistan and engaged by Baluch to negotiate sovereignty and autonomy from British. 
Baluch argue that instead of negotiations and redressing their complaints, successive Pakistani governments have engaged in brutal force and unleashed their tyranny through five military operations since 1948. 
Baluch point out that despite the 1973 constitution that says that complete autonomy within ten years (that is by 1983), not only that provision remains forgotten, but more and more centralization has been imposed by strengthening the central government at expense of provinces. 
Baluch cite statistics that Balochistan is ruled as colony with 88% of Baluch living under the poverty line, 78% has no access to safe drinking water or electricity, and 79% has no access to gas and their gas is taken to provide to households and industries in other provinces. 
Baluch cry that Balochistan has been discriminated and exploited so much that despite its immense natural resources they are at the bottom of indices compared to other provinces in literacy rate, school enrollment ratio, education attainment index, and health index. 
Baluch articulate that there is a slow-motion genocide going on against them and want the world to help them free themselves. 
What do Baluch want?
Baluch want immediate and complete cessation of military actions, withdrawal of all Pakistani armed forces, and no more military cantonments in Balochistan. They want the world to ask Pakistan to provide a firm timetable for the pullout of their troops and intelligence agencies from Balochistan. They called upon the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan to broaden its terms of reference and send peace keeping forces in Balochistan. They want Pakistan to dismantle its nuclear weapons program and stop any nuclear tests in Balochistan. 
Baluch demand immediate end to torture, murders and disappearances and unconditional release of Baloch activists. 
Baluch want immediate enactment of the autonomy provisions of the 1973 constitution and passing immediate control over all areas except Defense, Communications, Currency, and Foreign Affairs. 
Baluch ask that all lands secured in Baluchistan for so called the “Military strategic” reasons be released to the provincial government. 
Baluch support the appeal by Beglar Begi Mir Suleman Daud (Khan of Kalat)’s appeal to the International Court of Justice against Pakistan that it has annexed Baluchistan by force. 
Baluch appealed to multi-national companies to halt exploration work on disputed projects until the dispute between Pakistanb and Balochistan is resolved. They say they will welcome these companies to restart work in the building of a new Balochistan when they are free and a sovereign nation. 
Baluch want the world recognize their right of self-determination in accordance with the provisions of the UN Charter on the International Covenant of Human Rights. Baluch say that by virtue of this right, they are free to determine their political status to pursue their cultural, social and economic development without any external interference. 
Other important Take-aways from Conference?
Baluch expressed sympathy and solidarity with all victims of urban terrorism in Karachi (Sindh) and condemned killing of social activist Nisar Baloch and demanded immediate arrest of his killers, who are believed to be supported by a government allied party called MQM. 
Baluch pledged allegiance to the Baloch sarmachars (freedom fighters) and called upon all Baloch people to rally behind them to regain Baloch national sovereignty and protect their language, culture, and national survival. 
Baluch  demanded from UN Human Rights Council to investigate the extra-judicial killing of innocent Baloch leaders, political activists and others. 
Baluch expressed opinion that people of Baluchistan and their pro-independence leaders must be involved in any decision about the future of the region in the context of Afghanistan-Pakistan Crisis. 
Baluch resolved that the people of Balochistan should be the first beneficiaries of their resources – oil, gas, copper, silver, and gold. 
Baluch want a comprehensive infrastructure building program in Balochistan and want special attention to be given to the training and hiring of local Baluch to assume professional responsibilities in the rebuilding program. 
A document circulated at the conference expressed solidarity with the struggle of Sindhis, Seraikis, and Pushtuns in Pakistan and expressed support for Kurds, Ahwazis, Turkmen in Iran. 
The same document expressed trust in Hyrbyair Marri, Brahumdagh Bugti and Dr. Allah Nazar Baloch as their national heroes. The document further said that they have full trust, confidence and faith in the leadership of Hyrbyair Marri as the main spokesperson for the Baluchistan independence movement, internationally. 
Other Events at Conference
Audio Address by Musa (Ali) Arjemandi (Ali) from Norway 
Mr. Arjemandi made a heart-wrenching appeal to the Norwegian government and the world community to help in securing the release of his brother. In his appeal Musa says that his brother Ehsan Arjemandi, a Norwegian citizen, was taken away by Pakistani agencies in July this year. Like in the case of disappearance of Sindhi activist Dr. Safdar Sarki, the witnesses saw Mr. Arjemandi being led away by security personnel, but the Government of Pakistan is now denying any knowledge of his whereabouts. More information on this disappearance and other Baluch-related issues can be found at 
Screening of well-known Documentary “The Baluch” 
It is often said a picture is worth a thousand words and indeed “The Baluch” documentary, which is only 26-minute long narrated the deploring conditions in Balochistan, the simple lives of its simple people, and interviews with top-most leaders of Balochistan. The Baluch leaders explained history of their country and go into details of why they have been driven into fighting for their rights and independence. The documentary can be viewed at 
The audience were fortunate to have opportunity to listen to both Wendy Johnson and Annie Nocenti (co-producers), who described their trip, their impressions and why they sympathize with Baluch. Ms. Nocenti advised that she appalled at the lack of knowledge about the plight of Baluch among Americans. She advised that Baluch should change their communication strategy by relating their plight with the conditions of native Americans. She said that Americans are aware and feel guilty of what happened to native Americans – pushed to live on reservations with worthless treaties. 
They would see the similarities between the wrongs done in the past to the native people and the opportunity to stop the same tragedy happing to Baluch and Sindhis. Ms. Johnson said that making this documentary has been both joyful and sorrowful. She added that she has been impacted so much by the plight of the nomadic Baluch people that she wants to help more and is the webmaster of most comprehensive web site She talked about her exchange of emails with Balaach Mari and Hyrbyair Marri and what convinced her to become supporters of Baluch people. 
Homage to Mir Balaach Marri
The homage to Shaheed Balaach Marri was circulated at the conference with title “A Profile of Courage”. Balaach was born on January 17, 1966 and was killed fighting Pakistani military on November 20, 2007. He was the fourth among six sons of Nawab Khair Bux Marri. After release from Pakistani prison in 1979, Khair Bux Marri and his family went into self-exile ito Afghanistan n 1979. Thus, Balaach completed his secondary education in Afghanistan. It is believed that Balaach was very close to his father and used to call his father as “Ada” (a Balochi and Sindhi word that means “Elder Brother”). Balaach studied “communications engineering” in Moscow. He left his homeland when he was only 14 years old, and returned back at the age of 27 years. Starting in 2003, he started organizational work for Balochistan resistance. One of his greatest achievements is that he played a pivotal role in resolving the long-term feud between Marri and Bugti tribes and worked closely with Nawab Akbar Bugti to lead the Balochistan national cause. 
A passionate Plea fom Baluch
Some Baloch came from West coast and some joined from East coast. Others came from Canada, Europe, Baluchistan, Pakistan, India, and other countries. I heard them making presentations and chatted with them during breaks. I presented alternate scenarios and differing point of views. When it was all said and done, it was the first time in my 25 years of activism in the Sindhi Rights movement that I sensed an unshakable resolve of Baluch in fighting for their rights. They were passionate for their cause and angry that many of their brightest have lost their lives. They mourned, they cried, they shouted and asked that Pakistani military to leave their lands. The said again and again that they they want to rebuild their lives and their country without foreign domination. They want the world to help them get rid of the yoke of slavery so that they can build houses for hundreds of thousands who are now refugees, educate their children, and use their natural resources to bring gas, electricity, and economic welfare to their people. 
About Author: Mr. Khalid Hashmani is a Washington DC-based veteran human rights activist. He is the founding President of Sindhi Association of North America (SANA) and Chief coordinator of Sindhi Excellence Team (SET) that participates in advocacy activities on behalf of rural Sindhi. 

 Report b y Javed Soomro on the BBC Urdu web site.

پاکستان اور ایران بلوچوں کو آزاد کریں

جاوید سومرو 
واشنگٹن میں ہونے والی بلوچوں کی ایک کانفرنس میں مطالبہ کیا گیا ہے کہ پاکستان اور ایران کے زیرِ کنٹرول بلوچ سرزمین پر سےمبینہ قبضے کو ختم کراکے ایک آزاد بلوچستان ملک تشکیل دیا جائے اور عبوری وقت کےلیےخطے میں اقوام متحدہ کی امن فوج تعینات کی جائے۔ 
امریکن فرینڈز آف بلوچستان نامی تنظیم کے زیر انتظام ہونے والی اس کانفرنس میں پاکستان اور ایران کے متعدد بلوچوں کے علاوہ معروف امریکی دانشور سلیگ ہیریسن، امریکی حکومت کے بعض سابق اہلکاروں، ناروے کے سفارتخانے کے سیکنڈ سیکرٹری، بنگلہ دیش کی جنگ آزادی کی گوریلا تنظیم مکتی باہنی کے ایک سابق کارکن اور سندھی اور کشمیری حقوق کے بعض کارکنوں نے شرکت کی۔ 
کانفرنس کی قرارداد میں کہا گیا ہے کہ پاکستان اور ایران میں بلوچوں کی منظم انداز سے نسل کشی کی جا رہی ہے اور بین الاقوامی برادری خاص طور پر امریکہ، یورپی یونین، روس، چین اور ہندوستان سے اپیل کی گئی ہے کہ وہ پاکستان اور ایران سے کہیں کہ وہ دونوں بلوچ علاقوں سے اپنی فوجیں اور سیکورٹی ایجنسیوں کے انخلاء کے اوقات کار کا اعلان کریں۔ 
کانفرنس نے مبینہ قابض پاکستانی اور ایرانی فوجوں پر زور دیا کہ بلوچ عوام پر تشدد کا سلسلہ بند کریں اور اقوام متحدہ اور انسانی حقوق کے بین الاقوامی اداروں سے کہا کہ وہ بلوچ عوام کو بچانے کے لئے موثر اقدامات کریں۔ 
قرار داد میں الزام لگایا کہ ہزاروں بلوچ مرد، عورتوں اور بچوں کو ماورائے عدالت قتل کیا گیا ہے اور ہزاروں کو اغوا کرکے جیلوں میں بند کردیا گیا ہے جن کا نام و نشان بھی نہیں مل رہا۔ قرارداد مطالبہ کیا گیا کہ قتل کی ان وارداتوں میں ملوث افراد کے خلاف بین الاقوامی عدالت انصاف میں مقدمات چلائے جائیں۔ 
فرینڈز آف بلوچستان کے بانی احمر مستی خان کا کہنا تھا کہ کانفرنس ان کی توقعات سے کہیں زیادہ کامیاب تھی اور اس کانفرنس کےلئے انہیں نواب خیر بخش مری کے بیٹے حربیار مری اور نواب اکبر بگٹی کے بیٹے براہمداغ بگٹی کی حمایت اور معاونت حاصل تھی۔ 
کانفرنس سے حیربیار مری نے وڈیو لنک کے ذریعے خطاب کیا جبکہ دیگر مقررین میں بلوچ سٹوڈنٹس فیڈریشن کے سابق سربراہ عزیز بلوچ، افغان مجاہدین کو سی آئی اے کی ایما پر سٹنگر میزائل مہیا کرنے والے والے اینڈریو ایوا، ورلڈ سندھی کانگریس کے سابق صدر صغیر شیخ، دی بلوچ ڈاکومینٹری کی پروڈیوسر وینڈی جانسن اور اینی نوچینتی، ظفر بلوچ، پروفیسر گل آغا، ورلڈ سندھی انسٹی ٹیوٹ کی جنرل سیکرٹری حمیرہ رحمان ، جئے سندھ سٹوڈنٹس فیڈریشن کے بانی صدر اقبال ترین اور پاکستان میں مبینہ طور پر سرکاری حکام کی جانب سے اغوا کئے جانے والے ناروے کے شہری بلوچ احسان ارجمندی کے بھائی موسیٰ ارجمندی نے بھی خطاب کیا۔ 
Source: BBC Urdu 


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