
Showing posts from March, 2018

Rise & rise and great fall of MQM; an autopsy of terrorism

Rais Amrohi, one of the biggest brains among mohajirs, who was shot dead allegedly  by the MQM of Altaf Husain. I very well remember the evening when the doorbell of my rented home in Karachi Administrative Society, near Baloch Colony, rang. As soon as I opened the gate, the two youths barged in, one of them holding a revolver-- sector in-charge of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement or MQM. The other guy was the one from whom I had purchased a computer on installments, was good on payment and was at the time living with now my ex-wife, grand daughter of Shaheed Allah Bakhsh Soomro-- had Soomro not been assassinated in 1943 the nonsense named Pakistan would not have been created. It was shocking since there was no reason for such an armed banditry as I was good on the payments. I immediately called the US-educated, rich mohajir businessman, Kemal Jaffery, who had helped with the deal and thankfully at the same time a cousin and my secret lover arrived. The mohajir businessman

Brahumdagh's tweets not in line with Nawab Bugti view: Pakistan's March 27 Occupation

Its high time Baloch should distance themselves from India as @narendramodi @PMOIndia did not follow up on his promise at the Red Fort and @NavtejSarna has neither met Baloch nor helped the Baloch cause @SushmaSwaraj — Ahmar Mustikhan (@mustikhan) April 1, 2018 It is apparently unfair to pin down an otherwise handsome, moderate, flexible and open minded Brahumdagh Bugti, who is even open to the idea that gays may be able to live their lives openly in Balochistan as sex should not be society’s business but a personal one. Had it not been for the non-sensical actions of the Baloch Republican Army (BRA) which the Swiss believe he heads, he maybe as sweet as an angel! Just a minor mistake and everyone wants to gun down an otherwise thorough gentleman, who had publicly posted on twitter he was “a lover, not a fighter.” And almost all diaspora activist, including this scribe, have engaged in scoring brownie points against Mr Bugti, unfortunately. Brahumdagh Bugti had

Bugti should tweet about his family's ugly history rather than Baloch history

Nawab Bugti with assassinated premier Zulfikar Ali Bhutto at the wedding of Nawabzada Rehan Bugti, father of Brahumdagh Bugti For lack of a better comparison, a twitter account in the hands of a failed Baloch “nawab” hand is like a bull in the China shop. Or let us ask this way: when does a person find himself in a “golden cage” bored to death? Answer is when you are only one of the three claimants to a tribal fiefdom that is bigger than Cyprus, or almost as big as Lebanon, or half the land size of Israel, and   you are surrounded by a  half dozen sycophants whose dream in life is to carry your suitcase and that too in Geneva, Switzerland, in stead of half million people to who were God reincarnated, you feel a sense of loss. Even if your wine closet has the best alcohol that you drink every night and puff cigarettes in the manner of a dejected lover of Pakistan—not caring for other family members in the house. you will feel little joy and lot of frustration, if you have no

Pashtun Afghans endured sexual slavery at the hands of ISI much before ISIS

Najeeb Khan is research director of the American Friends of Balochistan and is research scholar at the State University of New York. He was almost shot dead in Quetta by the ISI for sympathizing with the Baloch people four years ago. Guest column by Najeeb Khan The stories of Yazidi woman as sex slaves by ISIS in Iraq and Syria a few years back must have shocked the world, but we Pashtun Afghans have experienced this way before that, in the early 90s. After the fall of Dr. Najibullah government in Kabul, Pakistan armed officers abducted thousands of Pashtun Afghan woman from Kunar Province. Late Senator Rahim Mondakhail once showed his concerns over the issue in Pakistan’s senate, the upper house of the parliament, over the human rights abuses and slavery of Pashtun woman by Pakistan generals in 1993. Upon this Senator Maulana Sami ul Haq also known as the father of Taliban, actually Taliban had quite a few fathers in Pakistan and he was one of them, responded that Afghan wo

Muslim clerics engaged in promoting pedophilia against Hindu minor girls must be arrested

By Ahmar Mustikhan Pakistan represents one of the worst situations in the world for religious freedoms. It is a big jail for Baloch as a national minority and for Hindus, Christians and Ahmadis as religious minorities. Enforced disappearance of Baloch women and kids is taking place in France-sized  Balochistan as I speak before you. Last year alone 70 women and 35 minors were disappeared there. Forced conversion of Hindu and Christian girls and young women into Islam and marriage, often through bonded labor, remains a systemic problem, according to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. Being Baloch and woman, being Hindu and woman and being Christian and woman, is a double whammy in Pakistan. Three years back after ISIS fighters took control of Yazidi villages in the Sanjar region of Iraq, they subjected their women to sexual slavery that shook the world's conscience. According to Kachkol Ali Advocate, a former leader of the opposition in
A number of leading human rights defenders will attend a seminar "Daughters of a Lesser God: Minority Women in Pakistan organized by an anti-slavery human rights group in Washington DC to shed shed light on injustices on Baloch women and Pakistan women. In addition to a number of congressmen and senators, those who have been invited include defenders of  the rights of Hindu, Christian, Baloch, Mohjair, Pashtun women in Pakistan. Minority women are eking out an existence that is reminiscent of the Dark Ages. State security forces in Balochistan routinely abduct Baloch women and even minor boys. Human rights defenders fear they are being used as sex slaves by Pakistan soldiers. On the other hand, Christian and Hindu women and minor girls are abducted at point of gun as fair game, forcibly converted and married to men they never met before, in Punjab and Sindh provinces respectively. Unfortunately, the civil and political society either lack the will and resources to counter th

Feudal Bugti, commoner Mengal in war of words over Dr Marri; With Jumma I only talk about Moscow says Claudia

Brahumdagh Bugti (left) with Dr Jumma Marri in Geneva about 14 months ago. The Republican News Network, which is believed to be managed by loyalists of exiled Brahumdagh Bugti, president of the Baloch Republicin Party has accused a German activist and a Baloch activist of joining hands with Moscow-based Dr Jumma Marri, leading to a war of words in Switzerland--thousands of miles away from Balochistan.. The accusations followed the Baloch Voice Foundation, which is led by Munir Mengal, holding successful side events at the Palace of Nations during the 37th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. The war of words started when the Republican News Network linked to Bugti's BRP and affiliated Baloch Republican Army (BRA) published a news item Thrusday that said "Munir Mengal, Claudia Heidelberg, along with others, have joined the team of Jumma Marri ." tTe news item did not carry anything in the story itself, though the name of the Baloch and German activis

Baloch CM bewildered why Muslim Lakhani name missing in Reko Dik case

Dr T. Chand, a former minister in Balochistan says it was a great pleasure to host the Chief Minister of Balochistan Mr. Qudoos Bizenjo at  his residence here in Miami, FL. "We discussed several topics of mutual interest.," Dr Chand said. Balochistan chief minister has expressed bewilderment over why a US-based business tycoon name has not surfaced in the Barrick Gold Corporation case against Balochistan with the prominence it deserved  in the case pending against Balochistan. "That was was the first serious hit received by the Reko Dik gold and copper project," Mir Qudoos Bizenjo told this correspondent on phone from Miami, where he had come to appear on behalf of his government. The businessman the chief minister was referring to is Muslim Lakhani, who now lives at the Ritz Carlton in Washington DC and is Chairman and CEO of ML Resources LLC, ML Private Investments LLC.  In 2001, he helped re-activate one of the world’s largest dormant copper fields due t

Will Balochistan win freedom? Part II

Pakistan is one of the worst sins of the white man in the last century so they alone can undo the monster they created. Of course there is no way Baloch can militarily confront the state backed by China’s military might. My saying is David Can defeat Goliath, but David cannot defeat two Goliaths. Baloch lack the resources, education, organization, and numbers. At the same time India’s unprincipled stand on Balochistan has been detrimental not only to her own national interests but also to Balochistan’s social and political fabric.  In fact, according to the Daily Mail, Pakistan forced annexation on March 27, 1948 coincided with an (All India Radio) AIR broadcast. The radio reported a press conference by India’s foreign secretary VP Menon, a key civil servant, saying the Khan “was pressing India to accept Kalat’s accession”, but “India would have nothing to do with it”. According to Pakistan's investigative The Friday Times, the issue was also raised in the Lok Sabha by B

Himself a Baloch, Zardari's success story of getting Baloch elected as senate chairman

First ever senate chairman from Balochistan, Sadiq Sanjrani-- Picture courtesy Naseer Ahmed/Reuters PUBLISHER'S NOTE:  The article is a guest column by veteran journalist and Pakistan's former high commissioner to the United Kingdom Wajid Shamsul Hasan. Though the former diplomat berates former prime minister Mian Nawaz Sharif and surprisingly seems to support the Deep State standpoint on Sharif's ouster, this publisher does not agree with his contention. It is true that Mian Nawaz Sharif meteoric rise in politics was due to the patronage he received directly from military dictator Gen Ziaul Haq, so was the case with the most popular politician in what was then West Pakistan history, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, who made it to the top as a son of Gen Ayub Khan. The publisher thanks the former Pakistan diplomat for sending him his write up and permission to publish it here and requests writers, thinkers, intellectuals, strategists from India, Afghanistan, Iran and other writer